Christmas 2020 Message

Greetings and blessings be upon the saints of the Most High God!  What a joy and privilege it is to be numbered amongst those who are sanctified, on fire, ready and willing to show forth the praises of Him who brought us out of darkness and into the marvelous light.

I would like to take a moment to express the profound wisdom that came from one of the most unexpected places. While talking with my three year old granddaughter she requested to go and see the ‘celebration’.  She was referring to the Christmas lights, but to her this is all a celebration.  As you know, at this age a child’s cognitive process is at its purist form, being free from the care and influence of this world. She is free from money troubles, struggles with faith, issues on the job, mortgages, bills and all of the other things that so easily beset us.

As we walked the two blocks and stood there staring at the lights on a neighbor’s house, I pondered on why her pure young mind processed the busy work of this season as a celebration.  I have always understood that Jesus is the reason for the season.  As a pastor, I am more than aware that the birth of Christ was necessary, so that he could endure the cross and make a way of escape from the punishment of sin.  The power in His rising is unparalleled. His ascension into Heaven was unprecedented. This is a Celebration!

The series of events that provided you and I the opportunity to escape the punishment of hell and to make heaven our home is worth celebrating, not only at Christmas time, but every day. As the Scriptures record in the Book of Matthew 1:21, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” Jesus saved us all.

During this season of celebration, I pray that you experience joy, peace and the warmth of having family and friends by your side. We celebrate “Immanuel” (God with us). Now, may the peace of God, which passes all understanding, guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. 
Merry Christmas to each of you and to your loved ones.

Yours in His Service,

Superintendent Edwin Finley